Bringing Health And Wealth To Life
A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book.
1. Chop an Onion and add it to the shampoo. Let it stand for 15 days and then use the shampoo
as usual. Not only it will make hair grow faster but it also make the hair look amazingly shining.
2. Never skip your breakfast. A balanced breakfast includes a fresh fruit juice, high-fibre cereal,
milk and boiled egg.
Exercise regularly. You can go for Yoga or "surya
4. Eat
one finger of garlic with lots of water empty stomach. It reduces
the risk of cholesterol.
5. Must take your daily calcim diet. Drink at least a glass of milk or yoghurt. One neeeds around
200mg of calcium everyday. Must take Vitamin D and Magnesium along with calcium else
calcium will not be absorbed. Spinach, nuts, beans, lentils,fish etc. are the rich sources of
Magnesium. Codliver oil, fish, eggs, mushrooms are rich sources of Vitamin D.
6. Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain plant nutrients known as anthocyanidins
which is a powerful antioxidants.
7. Drink one cup Green Tea empty stomach and one in the evening. You must not take anything
before two hours and after two hours of Green tea intake
formaximized effect.
8. Eat
lot of curd and butter milk. Its really very healthy and yummy
Tomatoes contain lycopene. It helps you fight against cancer, It
also has Vitamin C.
10. Keep away from fast food as they are a piece of junk. I do not say you should not eat them at
all. However, one must limit his diet when it comes to pizzas and
11. If you want to manage your weight, dieting is not needed. Simply do not overeat. Eat multiple
times in small chunks. Most important, workout. Take protein rich diet. Avoid fast food, cheese,
12. Take lot of green leafy vegetables as they contain folic acid apart from number of vitamins
and minerals. It helps in fighting against cancer. Very important for Pregnant mothers.
13. Drink lot of water around 8 glasses per day. It not only keeps you fresh, healthy and hydrates
but also improves your immunity.
Start doing "pranayam" also called Breathing exercise.
15. Try not to take any carbohydrate at least one hour after exercise. This will force your body to
burn the body fat rather than the one you ingest.
DISCLAMER :- Content on this page and related pages is purely on research basis. Site owner can not be blamed for any health or other issues.